President Gordon B. Hinckley on the Book of Mormon

"I take in my hand the Book of Mormon. I read its words. I have read Joseph Smith's explanation of how it came to be. To the unbelieving it is a story difficult to accept, and critics for generations have worn out their lives writing books intended to refute that story and to offer other explanations than the one given by Joseph the Prophet. But to the open-minded, this critical writing has only stimulated them to dig deeper; and the more deeply they dig, the greater the accumulation of evidence for the validity of Joseph Smith's story. Still, as has been demonstrated for a hundred and fifty years, the truth of the Book of Mormon will not be determined by literary analysis or by scientific research, although these continue to be reassuring. The truth about the origins of the Book of Mormon will be determined today and tomorrow, as it has been throughout the yesterdays, by reading the book in a spirit of reverence and respect and prayer."
(Praise to the Man, Ensign, Aug 1983, 4)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 33: Enos - Jarom

One indicator as to our standing before the Lord is this: are we praying for the welfare of others; friends and enemies? Most of us pray for our welfare, as we give thanks for our blessings and ask for things in our behalf. But how often do we pray for another? More importantly in certain ways, how often do we ray for our enemies, or those who have hurt us? Continually make fun of us or speak unkindly of and to us?

This is a test of our forgiveness, our faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ, and our obedience to His commands and discipleship. We may not see this test now, but there will be a time in all of our lives where we find ourselves in this position. Are you prepared? Will you act or react?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 32 - Jacob 6 - Enos 1

President Ezra Taft Benson has instructed that ‘the Book of Mormon brings men to Christ through two basic means’:

"First, it tells in a plain manner of Christ and His gospel. It testifies of is divinity and of the necessity for a Redeemer and the need of our putting trust in Him. It bears witness of the Fall and the Atonement and the first principles of the gospel, including our need of a broken heart and a contrite spirit and a spiritual rebirth. It proclaims we must endure to the end in righteousness and live the moral life of a Saint.

“Second, the Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ. It confounds false doctrines and lays down contention. (see 2 Nephi 3:12.) It fortifies the humble followers of Christ against the evil designs, strategies, and doctrines of the devil in our day. The type of apostates in the Book of Mormon is similar to the type we have today. God, with his infinite foreknowledge, so molded the Book of Mormon that we might see the error and know how to combat false educational, political, religious, and philosophical concepts of our time."

Portrait of an Anti-Christ

“There are certain characteristics of an anti-Christ, certain patterns of belief and practice which we might expect to find among those, like Sherem, who are bent upon overthrowing the doctrine of Christ. Some of these are as follows:

1) They Deny the Need for Jesus Christ…

2) They Use Flattery to Win Disciples…

3) They Accuse the Brethren of Teaching False Doctrine…

4) They Have a Limited View of Reality…

5) They Have a Disposition to Misread and Thereby Misrepresent the Scriptures…

6) They are Sign Seekers…”

(Robert L. Millett, Book of Mormon Symposium Series, edited by PR Cheesman, MS Nyman, and CD Tate, Jr., 1988, p. 175-81)

As we near the beginning of General Conference, let us search the scriptures and think of questions we desire to have answered. If we truly desire to improve, learn, and grow, our prayers will be answered according to our faith and the Lord's will. Sometimes we have to press further for answers, and sometimes we must follow a series of answers, or impressions before the answer becomes clear to us.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 31 - Jacob 5

The Allegory of the Olive Tree from the prophet Zenos reflects the world, and how the Lord provides for His children throughout time. The one thought which courses through my mind as I read is "His arm is stretched out still." Time and again the Lord returns to His vineyard to nourish and seek for fruit. Time and again the way is fraught with disappointments, with times of joy. But He keeps returning, gathering, pruning for the future.

Now the call has come to you and me to go forth to nourish His vineyard, to seek the good fruit and deliver it before the Lord. We must be diligent in prayer, study, and listening to the Lord for opportunities to enjoy the fruit of our labors for the Lord.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 30 - Jacob 4-5

The Nephites observed the Law of Moses because it 1) was a commandment and 2) pointed their souls to Jesus Christ. We too have such compasses in our day to keep our souls pointed to Christ. Daily prayer and scripture study, finding opportunities to share the gospel, Sabbath Day observance, temple worship, and many more. As Jacob continued to teach: these observances, as well as the witnesses of prophets, increase our hope and strengthen our faith.

Regarding the admonition to take counsel from the Lord, Elder Boyd K. Packer and President Harold B. Lee have some admonition of their own:

"Some among us would rather criticize the Lord and His church than concentrate on the problems. That is a symptom of impenitence.

“Follow the Brethren.… If you don't understand a problem or a position of the Church, restrain your tongue. Check the mote in your own eye before you criticize.… There is nothing in your lives that will destroy you if you will follow the Brethren. Enough evil doesn't exist in the world, even if it were brought together and focused on you, to destroy you except you consent to it." (Boyd K. Packer: A Watchman on the Tower, p. 158

“Mark well those who speak evil of the Lord’s anointed, for they speak from impure hearts. Only the ‘pure in heart’ see the ‘God’ or the divine in man and accept our leaders and accept them as prophets of the Living God…

“I want to bear you my testimony that the experience I have had has taught me that those who criticize the leaders of this Church are showing signs of a spiritual sickness which, unless curbed, will bring about eventually spiritual death. I want to bear my testimony as well that those who in public seek by their criticism to belittle our leaders or bring them into disrepute, will bring upon themselves more hurt than upon those whom they seek thus to malign. I have watched over the years, and I have read of the history of many of those who fell away from this Church, and I want to bear testimony that no apostate who ever left this Church ever prospered as an influence in his community thereafter." (President Harold B. Lee, Conference Report, October 1947, p. 67.)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 29 - Jacob 2 -3

"I testify that of all the necessary steps to repentance, the most critically important is for you to have a conviction that forgiveness comes in and through Jesus Christ. It is essential to know that only on His terms can you be forgiven. You will be helped as you exercise faith in Christ. That means you trust Him and His teachings. Satan would have you believe that serious transgression cannot be entirely overcome. I testify that the Savior gave His life so that through repentance the effects of all sin can be put behind you, save the shedding of innocent blood and the denial of the Holy Ghost."

- Elder Richard G. Scott (“Peace of Conscience and Peace of Mind,” Ensign, Nov 2004, 15–18)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 28 - 2 Nephi 32 - Jacob 1

Ere you got yourself up this morning, did you think to pray? We have been commanded to pray always, and not to perform any thing unto the Lord without first praying unto the Father in the name of Christ. In this way, we are relying on faith to accomplish that which we plan to do, to yield to the Spirit, and not give in to temptation.

We may not always succeed, but when we call upon the Lord in gratitude, faith, and intent to follow the promptings, miracles occur - maybe not the ones we expect, but what the Lord had in mind.
Tomorrow is a time for fasting and prayer. Consecrate this time that your performance and devotion to prayer and the focus of your fast will be "for the welfare of your soul."

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 27 - 2 Nephi 30-31

The time is now for the gospel to be declared to all those whom we come in contact. Most of our declaration will be though action; who we are and for what we stand.

We must follow the Lord "with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy".

" our consistency in doing seemingly small things can lead to significant spiritual results. “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great” (D&C 64:33). Consistency is a key principle as we lay the foundation of a great work in our individual lives and as we become more diligent and concerned in our own homes.

A public statement of love when the private actions of love are absent at home is hypocrisy—and weakens the foundation of a great work. Publicly declaring testimony when faithfulness and obedience are missing within our own homes is hypocrisy—and undermines the foundation of a great work. The commandment “Thou shalt not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16) applies most pointedly to the hypocrite in each of us. We need to be and become more consistent. “But be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).

As we seek the Lord’s help and in His strength, we can gradually reduce the disparity between what we say and what we do, between expressing love and consistently showing it, and between bearing testimony and steadfastly living it. We can become more diligent and concerned at home as we are more faithful in learning, living, and loving the restored gospel of Jesus Christ."

- David A. Bednar, “More Diligent and Concerned at Home,” Liahona, Nov 2009, 17–20

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 26 - 2 Nephi 28-29

Satan will try to thwart the work of the Lord on all fronts. He will try anything in his power to dissuade people from accepting truth. We know the work of the Lord will move forward, like the stone cut out of the mountain without hands until it covers the whole earth. Unfortunately as we read from Lehi's dream previous, hear from other prophets, and see in our own lives, many will be deceived and fall away.

"Yes, within the Church today there are tares among the wheat and wolves within the flock. As President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., stated: “The ravening wolves are amongst us, from our own membership, and they, more than any others, are clothed in sheep’s clothing because they wear the habiliments of the priesthood. We should be careful of them.” (CR April 1949, p. 163.) The wolves amongst our flock are more numerous and devious today than when President Clark made this statement."

"President McKay has said that 'the Church is little, if at all, injured by persecution and calumnies from ignorant, misinformed or malicious enemies. A greater hindrance to its progress comes from faultfinders, shirkers, commandment-breakers, and apostate cliques within its own ecclesiastical and quorum groups.' (Era, December 1967, p. 35. See also, Conference Report, October 1967, p. 9.)"

"Not only are there apostates within our midst, but there are also apostate doctrines that are sometimes taught in our classes and from our pulpits and that appear in our publications. And these apostate precepts of men cause our people to stumble."

"Christ taught that we should be in the world but not of it. Yet there are some in our midst who are not so much concerned about taking the gospel into the world as the are about bringing worldliness into the gospel. They want us to be in the world and of it. They want us to be popular with the worldly even though a prophet has said that this is impossible."

President Ezra Taft Benson. Conference Report April 1969

President Joseph F. Smith also stated many years previous:

“There are at least three dangers that threaten the Church within, and the authorities need to awaken to the fact that the people should be warned unceasingly against them. As I see these, they are flattery of prominent men in the world, false educational ideas, and sexual impurity.” ( Gospel Doctrine, pp. 312–13.)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 25 - 2 Nephi 26-27

Let us not cast out the prophets and stone them by not listening and obeyingthe words they speak; for the words they speak and the work they perform come from the Lord. May we not be guilty of "killing" the prophets spiritually in our lives.

Do we look forward to the coming of Christ? Better yet, do we look forward to performing His work here on earth that He has commissioned us to complete? To quote Mother Theresa: "My job is not to succeed, nearly so much as it is to be faithful to my mission." Are we doing all we can for the Lord? Do we have charity for all men?

One of the greatest scriptures that defines the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, is 2 Nephi 26:24.

"He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 24 - 2 Nephi 25-26

Jesus Christ is central to the message, prophecy, and life of the Book of Mormon. The words of prophets and missionaries in the Bible and The Book of Mormon direct the people to the Lord. We too can share this message with those whom we come in contact daily. As Elder Bruce R. McConkie once said: "If the Lord, Jesus were here, what he would say in this situation would be perfect. But He is not here. Instead He has sent me to represent Him."

Though the scriptures and the Holy Ghost help convince people of the truth found within these pages of scripture, we must also be examples in word and deed unto the convincing of those around us.
The Lord is merciful, and when we are in the midst of trials, as well as times of peace, we must be turned to the Lord. The way is simple, but sometimes we choose not to look to the Lord when is most needed.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 23 - 2 Nephi 22-25

Chapter 22 is a short, yet powerful section providing promises and strength to those who follow the Lord.

"...though thou wast angry with me thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedest me."

"God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid..."

"Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation."

“The Lord provides the living water that can quench the burning thirst of those whose lives are parched by a drought of truth. He expects us to supply to them the fulness of the gospel by giving them the scriptures and the words of the prophets and to bear personal testimony as to the truth of the restored gospel to alleviate their thirst. When they drink from the cup of gospel knowledge, their thirst is satisfied as they come to understand our Heavenly Father’s great plan of happiness.” (“Living Water to Quench Spiritual Thirst,” Ensign, May 1995, 19)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 22 - 2 Nephi 19-21

The coming of our Savior again foretold through the poetic words of the prophet Isaiah - "For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given..." Following this wonderful prophecy of the coming of our Lord, the one to save us from sin, continued promises are given as well as warnings.

The beauty and reality of the atonement comes to greater light and clarity as we read though these passages. Three times in chapter 19, and once in chapter 20 is the phrase: "For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still."

Though we may lose our way, or lack faith, make minor mistakes, or fall by heinous sins in our own lives, there is a way to receive forgiveness. The Savior opened the way for us to repent, change, and prove our loyalty to our Father and receive their forgiveness and bask in their glory and joy again.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 21 - 2 Nephi 15-18

"Wo unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope." Though the focus is more on the rope, or the chains that bind, here I think of the following drawling.Too often we make life harder than it has to be. Though more often we unload the burden of sin before the Savior, and walk out without restraint, but when we take his yolk upon us, the journey is pleasant to bear.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 20 - 2 Nephi 12-14

Come to the temple and we will be taught the Lord's ways, and we will walk in his path. (12:3)

The adversary knows “that the home is the first and most effective place for children to learn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, self-control; the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life. Nothing can take the place of home in rearing and teaching children, and no other success can compensate for failure in the home.” (President David O. McKay, in Family Home Evening Manual, 1968-69, p. iii.)

And so today, the undermining of the home and family is on the increase, with the devil anxiously working to displace the father as the head of the home and create rebellion among the children. The Book of Mormon describes this condition when it states, “And my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.” And then these words follow-and consider these words seriously when you think of those political leaders who are promoting birth control and abortion: “O my people, they who lead thee cause thee to err and destroy the way of thy paths.” (2 Ne. 13:12.) - President Ezra Taft Benson, "A Plea To Strengthen Our Families", General Conference, Oct. 1970

“I would rather have my child exposed to smallpox, typhus fever, cholera, or other malignant and deadly diseases than to the degrading influence of a corrupt teacher. It is infinitely better to take chances with an ignorant, but pure-minded teacher than with the greatest philosopher who is impure.” - Karl G. Maeser

2 Nephi 14:5-6
Dwelling place - home
Assemblies - church
Tabernacle - temple
In these do we find our guide during the day and night as well as a defense and refuge against the powers of the destroyer.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 19 - 2 Nephi 10-11

The choice is ours...
"Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He can deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, and pour out peace."
- President Ezra Taft Benson

The Lord prepared the way for us; "let us remember him, and lay aside our sins...great are the promises of the Lord..."
3 Major Reasons Nephi quotes Isaiah:

1. "delighteth in his words"
2. "delighteth in proving...the truth of the coming of Christ" and without Him, we perish
3. so others who shall "see these words may lift us their hearts and rejoice for all men"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 18 - 2 Nephi 9

The great law of justice must be fulfilled, but we are protected - on condition - through the great law of mercy. Only in and through Jesus Christ and His atonement is it possible to repent, be cleansed through baptism, then endure to the end. By the atonement is the fall of man overcome. As later written in verse 41; "he employeth no servant [at the gate]. Our elder brother is there watching over us and helping us to find and walk the path to eternal life.

So, if we are in this life to prepare to meet God, what then are we doing with our time?
Fun scripture: 9:39 - always remember "to be spiritually-minded is life eternal." Or in other words: S.M.I.L.E. :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 17 - 2 Nephi 6-8

The Savior admonished the saints to study the words of Isaiah; yea even unto three times in the Book of Mormon is this admonition given.

The call has been issued. The standard is raised. Let us stand together; united in the fear and obedience of the Lord. Then we will stand against all of the Lord's adversaries.
We must not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ - also found in Romans 1:16. The Lord asks a series of questions with all answers given in 2 Nephi 8:12-16 to those faithful members of His church.

12 Q: Why do ye fear man?
16 A: Ye are my people. I will teach and protect thee.

13 Q: Have ye forgotten thy maker?
15 A: I am the Lord thy God, the great Creator.

13 Q: Why fear ye your oppressors?
14 A: Thou shalt be freed from thy oppressors.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 16 - 2 Nephi 4-6

Nephi continues to proclaim his call to action, to "awake" and "no longer droop in sin" after testifying of the great blessings provided to him from the Lord. He repeats the promise that all prophets have testified: "that God will liberally to him that asketh".

One of the great blessings of life is work. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell stated: " is always a spiritual necessity even if, for some, work is not an economic necessity." Part of this work was the building of a temple. The Nephites knew the importance of having a temple in their midst to perform the necessary ordinances commanded by the Lord.

Because of their faithfulness in keeping the commandments of the Lord, they "lived after the manner of happiness". Though the work was hard, though they were persecuted by their brethren, it was their attitude that made all the difference. Though situations may have been tough, though offenses may have been given, though not everyone was on the same level spiritually, each member had to choose to be happy.
"The more we know of Jesus, the more we will love Him. The more we know of Jesus, the more we will trust Him. The more we know of Jesus, the more we will want to be like Him and to be with Him by becoming the manner of men and women that He wishes us to be, while living now 'after the manner of happiness'" - Elder Neal A. Maxwell, April 2001 G.C.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 15 - 2 Nephi 3-4

The Lord fulfills His purposes through His chosen few. Many are the "weak" of the earth molded to become strong. We read of Joseph, Moses and others whom the Lord raised and turned their weakness into strong faith and the confounding of the wise. We too are the weak and meek of the earth being molded - if we allow - to do great and marvelous works for the Lord. And sometimes that means the change within ourselves to bless the lives of others around us.

Following the death of his father, Lehi, Nephi begins his psalm feeling the weight of the calling upon his shoulders. Before he berates himself for his weakness, he shares his feelings for the scriptures (2 Ne. 4:15-16) I add my testimony that the scriptures are given to us for our profit and learning. As we study each day, we will be enriched with the Spirit and ultimately be a little better.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 14 - 2 Nephi 1-2

A message continually repeated by prophets throughout the scriptures: AWAKE!

“…be determined in one mind and in one heart, united in all things.”

And remember this: “redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah…how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth.”

Then we have opposition:

“If we can bear our afflictions with the understanding, faith, and courage,…we shall be strengthened and comforted in many ways. We shall be spared the torment which accompanies the mistaken idea that all suffering comes as chastisement for transgression…

“…I have seen the remorse and despair in the lives of men who, in the hour of trial, have cursed God and died spiritually. And I have seen people rise to great heights from what seemed to be unbearable burdens.” (Elder Marion G. Romney, Conference Report, Oct. 1969, pp. 59-60 as taken from the Book of Mormon Student Manual, 1981 ed., p. 69)


“I am like a huge, rough stone rolling down from a high mountain; and the only polishing I get is when some corner gets rubbed off by coming in contact with something else, striking with accelerated force against religious bigotry, priest-craft, lawyer-craft, doctor-craft, lying editors, suborned judges and jurors, and the authority of perjured executives, backed by mobs, blasphemers, licentious and corrupt men and women-all hell knocking off a corner here and a corner there. Thus I will become a smooth and polished shaft in the quiver of the Almighty, who will give me dominion over all and every one of them, when their refuge of lies shall fail, and their hiding place shall be destroyed, while these smooth-polished stones with which I come in contact become marred.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 304)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 13 - 1 Nephi 22 - 2 Nephi 1

One book completed, another 14 to go! To begin 2 Nephi, I share a quote from President Spencer W. Kimball:

“This America is no ordinary country. It is a choice land, ‘choice above all other lands’ (q Ne.2:20). It has a tragic and bloody past, but a glorious and peaceful future if its inhabitants really learn to serve their God. It was consecrated as a land of promise to the people of the Americas, to whom God gave these great promises:

‘It will be a land of liberty to its people’ (2 Ne 1:7).

‘They shall never be brought down into captivity’ (2 Ne 1:7).

‘And there shall be none to molest them’ (2 Ne 1:9).

‘It is a land of promise’ (1 Ne 2:20).

‘It shall be free from all nations under heaven.’

‘There shall be no enemies come into this land.’

‘It shall be free from bondage’ (Ether 2:12).

‘There shall be no kings upon the land’ (2 Ne 10:11).

‘I will fortify this land against all other nations’ (2 Ne 10:11).

‘He that fighteth against Zion shall perish’ (2 Ne 10:13).

“But these promises, glorious though they be, desirable as they are, can come only ‘…if they will but serve the God of this land who is Jesus Christ…’ (Ether 2:12). There is only one way. That infallible cure is simply righteousness, obedience, Godliness, honor, and integrity. There is no other cure. Mountains of arms and ammunitions will not guarantee safety, for enemies can also build fortifications and missiles and bomb shelters. If we would but believe the prophets! For they have warned that if the ‘inhabitants of this land are ever brought down into captivity and enslaved, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land’ (See 2 Ne 1:7). (Spencer W. Kimball, Conference Report, Oct. 1961, pp. 30-31 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 6-7)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 12 - 1 Nephi 21-22

As Nephi continues his testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ, he records the words of the prophet Isaiah. One of my favorite passages is a powerful passage with poetic visualization.
Beginning with the end of 21:15 and continuing into verse 16, the testimony is that the Lord will never forget you and me. ""Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me."

Our beloved Brother loves us with the same love as our Father in Heaven. Though we make mistakes and cause Him pain, yet He continue to love us, and "His hand is stretched out still". (2 Ne. 19:12; Isaiah 9)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 11 - 1 Nephi 19-20

As testified in Institute Tuesday evening, the Lord calls prophets to lead His people. Prophets prophecy blessings and warnings and reveal the word of the Lord. Prophets testify that Jesus is the Christ; that we must repent and call upon the Lord in faith.

"The Atonement of Jesus Christ was an indispensable part of our Heavenly Father’s plan for His Son’s earthly mission and for our salvation. How grateful we should be that our Heavenly Father did not intercede but rather withheld His fatherly instinct to rescue His Beloved Son. Because of His eternal love for you and for me, He allowed Jesus to complete His foreordained mission to become our Redeemer. The gift of resurrection and immortality is given freely through the loving grace of Jesus Christ to all people of all ages, regardless of their good or evil acts. And to those who choose to love the Lord and who show their love and faith in Him by keeping His commandments and qualifying for the full blessings of the Atonement, He offers the additional promise of exaltation and eternal life, which is the blessing of living in the presence of God and His Beloved Son forever." - Elder M. Russell Ballard, Apr 2004 G.C.


Sometimes we face difficult challenges in life. This is no surprise to those seek to know God. But we have a choice. We can either choose to be miserable and upset and murmur for every little thing that may not be according as "it should be". Or we can choose to patiently endure well the trials in our lives and live as Nephi writes later in 2 Ne. 5:27: "...we lived after the manner of happiness." Thus in 1 Ne. 20:10, we see the Lord at work: "For, behold, I have refined thee, I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction."

“In reading any of the standard works of the Church it is well to ascertain the literal meaning of the passage read first, and the lesson it was intended to convey to those to whom it was first communicated. And then it might be well to ask, What lesson does it convey to my time and age? To my nation? My community? My family? Or to myself?” (Reynolds and Sjodahl, Commentary on the Book of Mormon, vol. 1, p. 206)