President Gordon B. Hinckley on the Book of Mormon

"I take in my hand the Book of Mormon. I read its words. I have read Joseph Smith's explanation of how it came to be. To the unbelieving it is a story difficult to accept, and critics for generations have worn out their lives writing books intended to refute that story and to offer other explanations than the one given by Joseph the Prophet. But to the open-minded, this critical writing has only stimulated them to dig deeper; and the more deeply they dig, the greater the accumulation of evidence for the validity of Joseph Smith's story. Still, as has been demonstrated for a hundred and fifty years, the truth of the Book of Mormon will not be determined by literary analysis or by scientific research, although these continue to be reassuring. The truth about the origins of the Book of Mormon will be determined today and tomorrow, as it has been throughout the yesterdays, by reading the book in a spirit of reverence and respect and prayer."
(Praise to the Man, Ensign, Aug 1983, 4)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 63: Alma 24-25

Part of the repentance process is restitution. If restoring that which was lost is not possible, such as life, then we must do all we can to ease the burdens and bless the lives of those wronged. In addition, we must cast aside those tools that reminds us, and could very well tempt us, of the sins we have committed.

Here, the converted Lamanites, Anti-Nephi-Lehies, make a covenant with God to never lift the sword against anyone ever again. Much like these people, so we have our weakness tested to see if we truly buried our "weapons of rebellion" deep in the earth.

"In abandoning sin, one cannot merely wish for better conditions. He must make them. He may need to come to hate the spotted garments and loathe the sin. He must be certain not only that he has abandoned the sin but that he has changed the situations surrounding the sin. He should avoid the places and conditions and circumstances where the sin occurred, for these could most readily breed it again. He must abandon the people with whom the sin was committed. He may not hate the persons involved but he must avoid them and everything associated with the sin. He must dispose of all letters, trinkets, and things which will remind him of the "old days" and the "old times." He must forget addresses, telephone numbers, people, places and situations from the sinful past, and build a new life. He must eliminate anything which would stir the old memories." Spencer W. Kimball The Miracle of Forgiveness, p.171

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 62: Alma 22-23

This is no trick indeed, but you are halfway though The Book of Mormon! Tis a treat to daily read and study. Especially as we read of King Lamoni's father and his desire to give up all his sins to know the Lord, and repent of his sins. But did this happen by mere happenstance? No! A young missionary opened his mouth and shared the Gospel message with boldness and love.

"…Each of us has the sacred responsibility to proclaim the gospel. The Savior's commandment applies to all members of the Church, not just to full-time missionaries or to returned missionaries. We each have the responsibility to follow the Spirit when it prompts us to share the gospel so that others can come to follow the Savior.

We must act when the Spirit speaks! It [is] God's message, brought to [our] mind by the Spirit of the Lord." (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, Finding Peace in Our Lives, p. 241)

Open your mouth to all those around. You never know who will respond.

"Walk to the edge of the light, and perhaps a few steps into the darkness, and you will find that the light will appear and move ahead of you." - President Harold B. Lee

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 61: Alma 20-21

This is not a Halloween trick - tomorrow you'll be reading through the halfway point in The Book of Mormon!

With no more desire to do evil, many of the Lamanites under the kingship of Lamoni begin the transformation to fully obeying the word of the Lord. But the work has only begun. Ammon and Lamoni in route to save his brethren in another land, run into the King over the entire Lamanite people - Lamoni's father. Coincidence? No. But great promises are about to be fulfilled.
In the process of arguing with Lamoni's father regarding Lamoni and the recent events, the father is angry with Ammon and attempts to slay him. Ammon delivers a signature blow to the arm, but restrains from completely cutting it off. So we must all remember in our own lives - when we share the gospel with others, we do not want to completely sever their faith and hope. We are to build upon their beliefs and bring to the knowledge of the fullness of the truth.

Because Ammon was merciful, and had great love for the Lord and His work - he recognizes the great danger of seriously hurting the king over the whole land, Just as well, he recognizes a great opportunity for a potential investigator.
As we go about today, we are watched by many people - in and out of the church. Do we represent the Lord in all we do? Or by our actions cause a larger gap to form between an individual or group because of the things we say and do? Much like Ammon probably prevented a war between the Nephites and Lamanites by sparing the life of the king, so we can avoid backlashes against the Church by being true and faithful, ever hearkening to the voice of the Spirit.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 60: Alma 18-19

“Another special challenge we face from time to time is having good motives and good intentions—and even good actions misfire. Abish, the ‘Lamanitish woman’ (Alma 19:16-17), was not the first nor the last Church member to think an opportunity to be present and, therefore, to act on the impulse to do good. Confusion and contention followed her deed, as did tears from conscientious Abish. Vindication was nearly immediate in her case, but it is much slower coming at other times.

If our motives and actions are good, we should be able to endure some misunderstanding, but the pain and frustration of it will be real because we really care. Time and truth can cause lower courts of opinion to reverse themselves, hopefully soon. But if not, we will come to that final gate where Jesus Christ is the gatekeeper and ‘he employeth no servant there.’ The gospel guarantees ultimate, not proximate, justice.” (Neal A. Maxwell, Wherefore, Ye Must Press Forward, p. 115)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 59: Alma 17-18

Let's look at Ammon's experience in a different perspective; related to ourselves. First, if we have the desire, and a pure heart, we are called to the work. Though we may be in situations that try our faith or cause to lose our focus, we can remember the promise of the Lord, and go forth to serve.

As you go about day to day, you will meet new people with whom you can share your testimony - some of whom will have to develop a relationship of trust first. As you live your life, trial will arise. How will you react? When things go wrong, as they sometimes do, to whom do you turn?

As we reach out to those in need, are we doing all we can to maintain the Lord at the forefront of our minds? We see people everyday who are like Ammon, the Lamanite servants, the wicked Lamanites causing problems, and yes, even the sheep.

Since we are all given responsibilities to care for the Lord's sheep, do we drive them off, sit and cry when they are driven off, or go before the Lord in prayer then go out and make a difference? Once you learn from one experience, you can then bring the sheep to water again. You have prepared better to encircle the sheep about with love, friendship, a responsibility, and nourishment with the good word of God. Finally, in the strength of the Lord, fight battles against wickedness to ward off those who desire to scatter the flocks again. When the battle is over, give thanks to the Lord for protection, the protection of His children, and continue to perform His labors with humility.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 58: Alma 15-16

A short phrase with a lot of power: Alma 15:5. "...they went immediately, obeying the message..." Whether the Spirit of the Lord sends us a prompting, or a distress call from one in need (and we may not know it is a distress call), we need to act immediately.

I believe the Lord provides us opportunities to act immediately, and if we "have ears to hear". we will recognize those opportunities. Once recognized, we must then act. Once we act, the blessings of our Father are poured upon us. Though we may not recognize any grand blessing right off, treasures are being laid up, and we can have peace of conscience.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 57: Alma 14

Not much is spoken of Amulek in talks, books, and commentary, but this man was faithful and strong to the end. He was that second witness to Alma, he was rejected by his people - whom he loved and knew well, and he watched the destruction of many good lives. Though not ever written in the scriptures, I believe he watched the martyrdom of some in his family. I surmise this idea because mentioned in previous chapters of him speaking of his children, then following some preaching, Alma then takes him into his own home.

My point in this comment is not to dwell much on the wickedness of those who would perform such acts of murder of innocent people, instead to testify of the Spirit of God within Amulek. Without a firm testimony and faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, how can one stand by to see so many killed for a belief/knowledge. And yet, so many have done so before and since, and will happen again.

What if you were in this situation of watching the martyrdom, or one about to be martyred? Would your faith be strong enough?

“Now, we find many people critical when a righteous person is killed, a young father or mother is taken from a family, or when violent deaths occur. Some become bitter when oft-repeated prayers seem unanswered. Some lose faith and turn sour when solemn administrations by holy men seem to be ignored and no restoration seems to come from repeated prayer circles. But if all the sick were healed, if all the righteous were protected and the wicked destroyed, the whole program of the Father would be annulled and the basic principle of the Gospel, free agency, would be ended." (President Spencer W. Kimball Tragedy or Destiny," Improvement Era, March 1966, pp. 180)

“The right question to ask is not why good people have trials, but how shall good people respond when they are tried?…God does not deny us the experience we came here to have. He does not insulate us from tribulation or guarantee immunity from trouble. Much of the pain we suffer and inevitably impost upon others is self-induced through our own bad judgment, through poor choices… But much that happens to us in this life we cannot control; we only respond.” (Elder Marion D. Hanks, Ensign, Nov. 1992, p. 64)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 56: Alma 12-13

The Priesthood of God is mighty indeed and can only be controlled and used by proper authority and worthiness in keeping the commandments of God. Those who are called to receive this Priesthood were called and prepared before coming to Earth.

Now does this mean all men who hold the Priesthood are perfect? No. But they have the desire and strive towards increasing their faith in Jesus Christ and performing His work every day of their lives.

“Remember, in the world before we came here, faithful women were given certain assignments while faithful men were foreordained to certain priesthood tasks. While we do not now remember the particulars, this does not alter the glorious reality of what we once agreed to.” (President Spencer W. Kimball, "Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball", p. 316)

In reference to Alma 13:12 where those called "could not look upon sin save it were with abhorrence" President Kimball also states: “This passage indicates an attitude which is basic to the sanctification we should all be seeking, and thus to the repentance which merits forgiveness. It is that the former transgressor must have reached a ‘point of no return’ to sin wherein there is not merely a renunciation but also a deep abhorrence of the sin where the sin becomes most distasteful to him and where the desire or urge to sin is cleared out of his life.

Surely this is what is meant, in part at least, by being pure in heart! (Spencer W. Kimball, "The Miracle of Forgiveness", pp. 354-5)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 55: Alma 11-12

Hurray!! I'll have a full head of hair again!

But with this comes a price...a bright recollection of everything I have done in this life - good and bad.
Any deformity- physically, mentally, etc - will be restored to a perfect and proper frame. No matter what happens to us in this life, there is a continuance. And we must remember this truth, so as to do good all our lives; no matter the consequences and way we are treated in return. We are our own receipt register and nothing can be blotted out except for the help of Jesus Christ.

I know the quote below is a little long, but beautifully written.
“God has made each man a register within himself, and each man can read his own register, so far as he enjoys his perfect faculties. This can be easily comprehended.

…Let your memories run back, and you can remember the time when you did a good action, you can remember the time when you did a bad action; the thing is printed there, and you can bring it out and gaze upon it whenever you please.

…Man sleeps the sleep of death, but the spirit lives where the record of his deeds is kept--that does not die--man cannot kill it; there is no decay associated with it, and it still retains in all its vividness the remembrance of that which transpired before the separation by death of the body and the ever-living spirit. Man sleeps for a time in the grave, and by-and-by he rises again from the dead and goes to judgment; and then the secret thoughts of all men are revealed before Him with whom we have to do; we cannot hide them; it would be in vain for a man to say then, I did not do so-and-so; the command would be, Unravel and read the record which he has made of himself, and let it testify in relation to these things, and all could gaze upon it.

It is written that Jesus will judge not after the sight of the eye, or after the hearing of the ear, but with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity the meek of the earth. It is not because somebody has seen things, or heard anything by which a man will be judged and condemned, but it is because that record that is written by the man himself in the tablets of his own mind--that record that cannot lie--will in that day be unfolded before God and angels, and those who shall sit as judges.” (President John Taylor, Journal of Discourses, pp. 77-9)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 54: Alma 9-10

"Nevertheless, I did harden my heart, for I was called many times and I would not hear;"

How often do we receive promptings from the Holy Ghost, but hear not?

What about the time you thought to call a friend - for no reason? Or the time you felt to say something to a sibling - a compliment? What about the time you thought to thank someone for a service rendered, but never followed through? Or at the gas station or store and felt to give someone a Pass-along card, but did not speak up?

I believe the Spirit tries to penetrate our hearts and mind throughout the day in various ways to serve, help, share, and love. The less we hear, and worse, hear but not hearken, the less He will come around. So how do we cultivate the Spirit to avoid such regrets?

Prayer - sincere prayer asking for courage and strength.
Scriptures - Learning how the Spirit works in their lives as well as our own.
Actively seeking - Turn off the music/phone for a moment and open your eyes.

Maybe all that is required is a smile, a "thank you", or the courage to stand for what's right; especially when everyone else reviles.

"Works of love are works of peace." - Mother Theresa
"Give your hands to serve and your heart to the Lord." - Mother Theresa

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 53: Alma 7-8

1 Nephi 7:18 can be a type an shadow of what we read in Alma 7:12 regarding our Savior's ability to save us from death and hell. Jesus has "loosed the bands of death" for all of us. Are we grateful - have we ever expressed in prayer of testimony? When Nephi was tied up by his brothers and almost left in the desert to die, he prayed for strength to break the bonds. The Lord answered his prayer, but different than his request. Verse 18 states: "...the bands were loosed from off my hands and feet..."

The Lord has prepared a way for our escape, but we must be willing to pray for strength and a way to overcome temptations that do easily beset us. He will loosen these bands, but the choice is ours: will we remove the bands from our hands and feet, or leave them on without forgiving ourselves and leaving the sins behind?

Jesus Christ came into the world to take upon Him all our guilt, pain, etc, that He may succor us. In fact He runs to us. Are we making our way back to Him? Can you feel to sing the song of redeeming love as Alma asks in chapter 5? If not, now is the time to turn to Him with full purpose of heart. Pray for a loosening of the bands that encompass you about; He will loosen them, then we must rid ourselves of those bands each day until they are buried deep.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 52: Alma 5-7

Out in the deserts of life we wander,
stranded from sin and pride;
Sometimes we know the way to go,
But choose not for we see not yonder.

Like sheep we persist in following,
The way so wide and inviting,
Without knowing the dangers around,
We continue in danger wallowing.

But the good shepherd cometh nigh so oft,
And calls after you each day.
Do we choose to listen and obey,
Or do we on our sins of rocks aloft?

If we but hear and hearken to His call,
And call on Him each day,
He will bring you into His fold,
And train you again to avoid another fall.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 51: Alma 5

The Great Check!

Alma 5 is all about a personal inventory to ourselves and to God. When one answers truthfully the questions posed by Alma, then progress can begin. We are all works in progress, so there is no shame in setting goals to be better. That first step is the biggest and far more reaching because so many do not even try...

“Remembering and counting our many blessings can humble us by reminding us of all the reasons we have to be thankful to God-not just today's reasons, but those relating to all our yesterdays…If we fail to stir remembrance of blessings received, the human tendency is to say, in effect, whether to one's God or to one's fellows, ‘What have you done for me lately?’ It is best to cultivate our ‘remembering’ capacity now and to be guided accordingly, since at judgment day we will have ‘perfect remembrance’ (Alma 5:18).” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, "A Wonderful Flood of Light", p. 51)

Speaking of another principle, C. S. Lewis described the pride of comparison when he said: "Pride is essentially competitive. . . . Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man. . . . It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Lewis called pride ‘the utmost evil’ and ‘the complete anti-God state of mind,’ because this kind of comparison leads men to enmity and oppression and every other kind of evil. This insightful Christian saw that every person should look up to God as ‘immeasurably superior’ to him or her. He continued: Unless you Know God as that--and, therefore, know yourself as nothing in comparison--you do not know God at all. As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you." (Mere Christianity [New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1960], pp. 109-11.)

Let us not be drawn off the straight and narrow path by our self righteousness. By giving to those in need, we become more rich in the Spirit of charity...the greatest of all!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 50: Alma 3-4

“The Book of Mormon tells of a time when the church of God ‘began to fail in its progress’ because ‘the people of the church began to . . . set their hearts upon riches and upon the vain things of the world’ (Alma 4:8,10). Those who set their hearts upon the things of the world usually focus on some combination of that worldly quartet of property, pride, prominence, and power. When attitudes or priorities are fixed on the acquisition, use, or possession of property, we call that condition materialism.

In descending order of intensity, materialism may be an obsession, a preoccupation, or merely a strong interest. Whatever its degree, an interest becomes materialism when it is intense enough to override priorities that should be paramount.

From the emphasis given to this subject in the scriptures, it appears that materialism has been one of the greatest challenges to the children of God in all ages of time. Greed, the ugly face of materialism in action, has been one of Satan's most effective weapons in corrupting men and turning their hearts from God.” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, "Pure In Heart", p. 73)

“The central feature of pride is enmity- enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellowman. Enmity means hatred toward, hostility to, or a state of opposition. It is the power by which Satan wishes to reign over us. Pride is essentially competitive in nature. We pit our will against God's.’ In addition, ‘the proud make every man their adversary by pitting their intellects, opinions, works, wealth, talents, or any other worldly measuring device against others.’ President Benson warned: ‘God will have a humble people. Either we can choose to be humble or we can be compelled to be humble.’” (President Ezra Taft Benson, CR, April 1989, pp. 3-7)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 49: Alma 1-2

My how times flies; into Alma and almost halfway complete!

The book of Alma begins with a hot-head Nehor who tries to enforce his priestcraft by force - partially because he could not shake the righteous Gideon. Arguing to defend the Gospel and winning, Nehor then killed Gideon.

Because of Nehor's teaching, essentially to get gain by the wrong motives, many fell away from the Church and began to persecute other members. This was a great trial of their faith. Many of us will be tried the same way as others persecute us because of our faith. Our position is not to defend through arguments, but through our example - to be doers of the word, and not hearers only.

While others spend their time tearing down the Church and its leaders, we an build up by "bearing with patience the persecution that may come...impart of [our] the poor and needy, and the sick, and the afflicted." After all, as King Benjamin taught, "Are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God..?"

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 48: Mosiah 29 - Alma 1

Throughout the Bible and Book of Mormon we read of the importance of appointing God-fearing men, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain - and appoint them as officials.

It was the original intent of the Founders that the Godly, and thereby Godly principles, remain intimately involved in the political, judicial, and educational realms. Our Founders believed that only the Godly would understand the unalienable rights and liberty provided by God would protect them in our form of government. They never intended that Christian principles be divorced from public affairs.

As Mosiah 29:13 states: "to establish the laws of God, and judge this people according to his commandments" will bring peace, prosperity, and freedom to our country. Let us therefore pray for our elected leaders, and pray for God-fearing men to be elected. One's private life is ever as important in public life, because the private life usually shows the true character of a person, than that of public life.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 47: Mosiah 27-29

As we repent of our sins, no matter how grievous, one important step is restitution which involves removal and substitution. When we try to rectify our sins, we return that which was stolen, ask forgiveness from the offended party. But this is not all.

We need to completely remove that section of our lives and replace with something good; something to prove to the Lord our repentance is sincere, and we love Him and want to serve Him. Alma the younger and the sons of Mosiah do this by "zealously striving to repair all the injuries". And in addition was filled with the love of God that they were "desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish."

"In abandoning sin one cannot merely wish for better conditions. He must make them. He may need to come to hate the spotted garments and loathe the sin. He must be certain not only that he has abandoned the sin but that he has changed the situations surrounding the sin. He should avoid the places and conditions and circumstances where the sin occurred, for these could most readily breed it again. He must abandon the people with whom the sin was committed. He may not hate the persons involved but he must avoid them and everything associated with the sin. He must dispose of all letters, trinkets, and things which will remind him of the "old days" and the "old times." He must forget addresses, telephone numbers, people, places and situations situations from the sinful past, and build a new life. He must eliminate anything which would stir the old memories." Spencer W. Kimball The Miracle of Forgiveness, p.171

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 46: Mosiah 25-27

Mosiah 25:10 talks of the Nephites recognizing the Lord's hand in delivering Alma and his people from the Lamanites. The fact the wording says "immediate" is no accident. As we read earlier in Mosiah 2:24, once we commit to and begin to keep the Lord's commands, He doth immediately bless us. Countless other scriptures back up this true principle.

Though times may be difficult, and trials and tribulation seemingly dam up the way, if you look close enough, you will see the immediate blessings of the Lord in your life. I chose not to write "hard" in place of "close" because we can train ourselves to recognize the Lord's hand in all things; thus when times are tough, the small and simple tender mercies of the Lord are easily found as we look close and deep.

*One other though from 26:39 regarding the command to "pray without ceasing". Elder Neal A Maxwell once said: "Prayer, in fact, is to be a reflection of our attitude toward God and life. In this sense, we can always be praying." (All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience, p.94)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 45: Mosiah 23-24

Even though we may repent, and serve the Lord with all our hearts, why do Amulon's keep popping back into our lives? Under the hand of King Noah, Amulon had to have been one of the more influential of the priests due to his leadership role with the Lamanites. As we've heard before, we can choose the path, but we cannot always choose the consequences, especially as it ties in with sin.

Amulon probably helped encourage Alma to sin, and lead the people astray. Now Amulon returns and after a brief time, begins to exercise control over Alma. But Alma chose to do right - why is he now being punished? As we read in 23:21-24, the Lord seeth fit to test and try the faith and patience of His people. All that put their trust in Him will see His mighty power in the day of deliverance.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 44: Mosiah 21-23

Humility is harder when we are compelled to be humble. We cannot afford to ignore the counsel of the Lord.

“When we neglect this and other duties we do not have the same claim on the blessings of the Lord, and he has said if we are slow to hear him he may be slow to hear us in the hour of our trouble. (D. & C. 101:7-8.) The Lord was slow to hearken to the Nephites in their rebellion until they were humbled and so with the Israelites, and this happened repeatedly. We should profit by their example.

In our praying we should seek to do the will of the Lord and not merely to reap some advantage or gratification which may not be the best for us. This is a very significant saying: ‘Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name it shall he given unto you, that is expedient for you; and if ye ask anything that is not expedient for you, it shall turn unto your condemnation.’ (DC 88:63-65) Therefore we should not be too insistent, but should pray earnestly seeking light and to know the will of the Lord, with an unselfish spirit. Then, with this spirit, will our bodies be filled with light.” (Joseph Fielding Smith; Church History and Modern Revelation, p. 135)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 43: Mosiah 19-20

I like the phrase found in Mosiah 20:15; "in my anger" because it reminds us to control our passions. Anger is a passion that must be controlled or pain and sorrow will follow.

Alma tells his son Shiblon to "bridle all your passions, that ye may be filled with love...". James also tells us to be "swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath." May other scriptures and words of prophets and the Savior warn us against anger and pride. This last conference, Elder Uceda of the Quorum of the Seventy told of an experience of a father losing patience with his daughter in a moment of anger. Later, after a prayer for forgiveness, an apology was made, forgiveness was given, and the Spirit of the Lord once again resided in the home.

Let us be wise and be slow to anger. Though little things may prick at us, annoy us, seem to stand in our way of happiness, be patient, and do not let anger control you.

I have to end on the words of the great Jedi philosopher, Yoda:
"Fear leads to anger;
Anger leads to hate;
Hate leads to suffering." :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 43: Mosiah 16-18

Are we desirous to help and lift another, even when, or especially when inconvenient? Do we look past ourselves to life another's burdens, to mourn with others, and to comfort them when we feel we need the most comfort?

I love the "Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon:
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope
where there is darkness, light
where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
Do we stand as witnesses of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places - in action, word, and thought?

We've made the covenant, are we following through?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 42: Mosiah 14-16

“This Man of Galilee knew little but misunderstanding and ingratitude and criticism and abuse; but he never complained, and at the end of the day he was as sweet as at dawn. Long before he came somebody had said that when the supreme man arrived he would submit to tribulation without complaining. As men looked upon this Man of Galilee they were reminded of the great line of the prophet, 'As a lamb before the shearer is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.'

Brethren and sisters, what is the attitude, the spirit of the vilifier, as compared with the spirit of the Christ, the spirit of the leaders of the Church, the spirit of every true Latter-day Saint? It is better to suffer wrong than to do wrong, and if we as Latter-day Saints will but hold to the truth as it has been revealed all will eventually be well.” (President David O. McKay, C.R., Oct. 1931, p. 13)

“In considering consecration, it is well to remember . . . that nothing is held back-whether turf, attitude, or hobbies. One’s will is to be swallowed up in the will of God-just as occurred with Jesus…the will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father…Most forms of holding back are rooted in pride or are prompted by the mistaken notion that somehow we are diminished by submission to God. Actually, the greater the submission, the greater the expansion!” (President Henry B. Eyring quoting Elder Neal A. Maxwell, On Becoming a Disciple Scholar, pp. 61-2)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 41: Mosiah 12-13

Mosiah 12: 27 - Here Abinadi accuses the priests of not applying their hearts to the understanding of the scriptures; more the words of Isaiah. They read the words, but had done nothing to try to understand his prophecies. Ignorance to the words of Isaiah {scriptures} is due to our own laziness and disobedience.

Many of us have fallen under similar condemnation as we read the scriptures, listen to the words of living prophets, and the admonition of the Spirit. How much effort do you put into applying the words you read? "The scriptures weren’t given to us to be read. They were given to us to be searched. The difference is that the searcher has learned to apply his heart to understanding."

Joshua exhorted his people to "meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein..."(Joshua 1:8) and a blessing follows.

David also shared his feelings of the importance of understanding the words of Christ: "When I applied mine heart to know wisdom...then I beheld all the work of God..."(Ecclesiastes 8:16-17).

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Yeah, I know I could edit my last message, but I feel to add to it. Though many principles and lessons are taught in these chapters, I need to add one point to my last entry on traditions - forgiveness.

Forgiveness builds bridges of chasms so wide and deep that allow for love, acceptance, and mercy to give full sway in our lives and hearts. We are required to forgive all men, at all times. We cannot carry with ourselves this guilt and poison that robs us of life and love. No matter what people have done to us, or will do to us, we need to forgive, forget, and move on. In this we find happiness and peace, and the love of God.

(I could go on, but this will suffice for now.) Have a great day!

Day 40: Mosiah 10-11

Dependence on the Lord and the keeping of His commandments comes when we have developed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and place ourselves in service to others. Too often, people do not ask, seek, ponder, and search truth without the intent to follow. Sometimes the traditions of our fathers are easier to follow.

“False traditions are the currency of devils and fill the treasure houses of hell. With them the prince of darkness has purchased his own prophets, priests, and kings. With them he has possessed nations and generations of people. Of them Joseph Smith said: they are as ‘an iron yoke,’ ‘a strong band...the very handcuffs, and chains, and shackles, and fetters of hell’ (D&C 123:8). As the Jews lost the revelation of Sinai in their traditions, making the commandments of none effect, so the traditions of Christianity supplanted that which was brought by the Messenger of the Covenant in the meridian of time, leaving Christian and Jew to wander alike in darkness (see Matthew 15:6; Malachi 3:1).” (McConkie and Millet, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, vol. 2, p. 198)

The Lamanites believed they were wronged in the land of their inheritance. Do we not see this today in America, even other parts of the world; a sense of entitlement? Something is owed to a person, or people because their ancestors were wronged in the past? “A prime excuse for one's own folly is to blame someone else for it. At this the Lamanites were masters. They justified their own faults by accusation. The mirror in which they saw themselves, distorted and confused the past. They forgot that the Lord favored Nephi because he was more diligent in keeping the commandments of the Lord.” (Reynolds and Sjodahl, Commentary on the Book of Mormon, vol. 2, p. 115)

As President Hinckley liked to say: "Let us try a little harder to be a little better." Seek opportunities to serve another, and have the Spirit with us to discern what is right.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 39: Mosiah 8-9

"Turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart...and He will deliver you out of bondage" (and discouragement, and addiction, etc.) This is a powerful principle resolving to live by faith in Jesus Christ. Mosiah 8:18 further states: "Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles."

Time and again throughout the scriptures, we see the blessings provided to those who place their trust in the Lord. We will see this principle in action as we read over the next few days of the Nephites under the leadership of Zeniff to Limhi. God will awaken our souls and hear the prayers of the faithful.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 38: Mosiah 5-7

As we conclude the words of King Benjamin, do we have thought to repeat the words of the people of Nephi? "Yea, we believe all the words which [have been written]; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually."

If not, all is not lost. Rather a wonderful opportunity to see and feel in a very real sense this feeling. We are all works in progress. It is not becoming of us to judge or hurt one another. But we can be changed through faith in Jesus Christ. How do we accomplish this task? By taking upon us the name of Jesus in all we do, thus implying we ALWAYS remember Him. We seek opportunities to serve and uplift another. As King Benjamin states: " steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works..."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 37: Mosiah 4

Though General Conference has ended, King Benjamin's address continues. And as we were taught from the mouths of living prophets the last few days, so the words of God are administered then and now; to name but a few:

- Be purified through the atoning blood of the Savior
- Receive a peace of conscience
- Put your trust in the Lord
- Keep His commandments
- Believe in God and go to Him in humility and prayer
- Do not have a mind to injure one another physically, mentally, or spiritually
- Love one another
- Teach your children the ways of the Lord
- Remember on whom you are dependent and show gratitude
- Do not run faster than you have strength
- Watch your yourselves to observe the commandments at all times

"Row well, and live." :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 36: Mosiah 2-3

Our beloved prophet, President Thomas S. Monson spoke on the right, responsibility, and results of our choices in life. I promise that as we choose to study from The Book of Mormon, the results are marvelous as the Spirit of the Lord will strive with us each hour of each day. And we then see the "blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God."

We are so blessed We will always be in debt to our Heavenly Father and elder brother, Jesus Christ, no matter if we turned away from them or serve them with all our souls. For example, when we do not obey, our deficit and debt to Them grows larger because of Their love and mercy towards us. As we obey, the deficit may seem smaller, but we are immediately blessed, therefore the deficit and debt continue to grow. All our Father asks of us is to keep His commandments. We cannot boast of our selves. Last night President Dieter Uchtdorf referenced a talk given by President Ezra Taft Benson: - Ensign Article - Beware of Pride

Another talk given in the Priesthood session given by Elder Juan A. Uceda of the Seventy referenced Mosiah 3:19 and our need to be humble and willing to submit to the Lord's will in order to have peace and harmony back in our lives.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 35: Mosiah 1-2

In a few hours, we have the opportunity and blessing of listening to the Lord's prophets, apostles, and general authorities of the Church. This is a time we should give thanks to the Lord and listen with open hearts and minds; fully intending to perform the work we are impressed on by the Spirit.

How timely we read in these chapters now the "General Conference" that was held about 124 B.C. and their preparations for listening to the prophet and king. In order for the Spirit to fully penetrate our lives, we too must make preparations before hearing the good word of God.

- For the Nephites, they did go to the temple to offer sacrifices and give thanks. Have we gone before the Lord in prayer and scripture study?
- Each family pitched their tents around the temple with the door towards the temple. Do we go to church to listen and watch, or if at home, keep all other distractions away during the conference proceedings; including the songs/prayers?
- The Nephites were later given written copies for those who could not hear. We are provided the words spoken in the Ensign and Liahona magazines' are we studying their words?

May we be grateful for a living prophet today and for the technology and conveniences of receiving the words of the Lord through His prophet immediately. Let us use this gift with gratitude and purpose, and enjoy conference!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 34: Omni - The Words of Mormon

As Amaleki's words begin and come to an end in a matter of a few verses, he recognizes the need to rely on the Lord and thus exhorts all men to believe in God. He not only asks us to give a little bit of ourselves, but our whole souls as an offering.

“Real, personal sacrifice never was placing an animal on the altar. Instead, it is a willingness to put the animal in us upon the altar and letting it be consumed! - Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Ensign, May 1995, p. 68.

“The submission of one’s will is placing on God’s altar the only uniquely personal thing one has to place there. The many other things we ‘give’ are actually the things He has already given or loaned to us." - Elder Neal A. Maxwell, "If Thou Endure It Well", p. 54.