President Gordon B. Hinckley on the Book of Mormon

"I take in my hand the Book of Mormon. I read its words. I have read Joseph Smith's explanation of how it came to be. To the unbelieving it is a story difficult to accept, and critics for generations have worn out their lives writing books intended to refute that story and to offer other explanations than the one given by Joseph the Prophet. But to the open-minded, this critical writing has only stimulated them to dig deeper; and the more deeply they dig, the greater the accumulation of evidence for the validity of Joseph Smith's story. Still, as has been demonstrated for a hundred and fifty years, the truth of the Book of Mormon will not be determined by literary analysis or by scientific research, although these continue to be reassuring. The truth about the origins of the Book of Mormon will be determined today and tomorrow, as it has been throughout the yesterdays, by reading the book in a spirit of reverence and respect and prayer."
(Praise to the Man, Ensign, Aug 1983, 4)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 46: Mosiah 25-27

Mosiah 25:10 talks of the Nephites recognizing the Lord's hand in delivering Alma and his people from the Lamanites. The fact the wording says "immediate" is no accident. As we read earlier in Mosiah 2:24, once we commit to and begin to keep the Lord's commands, He doth immediately bless us. Countless other scriptures back up this true principle.

Though times may be difficult, and trials and tribulation seemingly dam up the way, if you look close enough, you will see the immediate blessings of the Lord in your life. I chose not to write "hard" in place of "close" because we can train ourselves to recognize the Lord's hand in all things; thus when times are tough, the small and simple tender mercies of the Lord are easily found as we look close and deep.

*One other though from 26:39 regarding the command to "pray without ceasing". Elder Neal A Maxwell once said: "Prayer, in fact, is to be a reflection of our attitude toward God and life. In this sense, we can always be praying." (All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience, p.94)

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